Book Review: Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan

Thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary review copy.

Ali is a professional organizer whose life is a mess. 2 years ago she lost her mother to illness, a year ago she lost her husband when he walked out on her while she was still under the haze of grief, and much longer ago she lost herself to the chaos and upheaval of mothering three children.

Just about the time Ali decides she must do something to get her life in order – beginning with wearing hard pants again – she has a meet cute of sorts with a hunky man at the dog park. While he may not be Mr. Right, he’s Mr. Alright-For-Now and Ali is willing to add a little mess to her life in the form of a fun summer fling because she deserves a little fun!But Ali might just be in for more than she bargained for.

For the last 3 years I have had the pleasure of ushering in summer with an Annabel Monaghan book and in my opinion Summer Romance is her best yet! Ali is a heroine to cheer for with a relatable arc of struggling to find herself amidst the chaos of raising kids and managing a household. I always appreciate that Monaghan’s stories feature more mature MCs; middle aged moms deserve a little romance too!

I loved Ali and Ethan together and adored the coastal New England small town setting. This story has romance, redemption, cute dogs, a quaint setting, descriptions of highly organized pantries, and grown up skater boys – truly what more can one ask for in a beach read?!

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