Audiobook Review: My Name Is Barbra by Barbra Streisand

My Name is Barbra // Barbra Steisand

{#partner @prhaudio}

Let me start out by saying I set this book aside at least 2x before I really sank into reading it, but then I ended up loving it!

Let me also say, I am not a Barbra Steisand superfan, I know she is a legend and has had a long and illustrious career and I was interested to learn more.

Well, Barbra really ended up winning me over with this memoir and after spending 48 hours of audiobook time together I feel like we’re good friends. (It’s sort of a one-way friendship, but still!)

My Name Is Barbra feels like sitting down with Steisand over a cup of coffee, or some good deli and listening to her recall in detail her 8 decades of life and 6 decades in the entertainment industry. And really it’s such a treat! Authentic, honest, frank, conversational, and comprehensive My Name is Barbra is an excellent memoir and incredible on audio as Steisand herself narrates and includes audio clips of her music when relevant.

If you’re a Barbra Steisand fan, if you are interested in feminist pioneers, if you enjoy a good memoir, you’ll love this!

Consider me now a fan!

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